
“I see you. I am here.”

-Natal tribal greeting of South Africa

Holistic therapy for those seeking to heal the deepest wounds, both old and new.

Healing is a journey we are on together.


Imagine you are walking in the woods. It’s late. The dense trees cloud the sky. It’s dark- the kind of darkness that envelops you. You have been wandering these woods for so long. You’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and defeated.


This is where I meet you. With a light in hand, we walk together on this path of healing. Shining light into the darkness, we create awareness, acceptance, and self-love. Together, we harness your inner strength so that, should you meet these woods again, you now know how to navigate.

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About Kami (she/her)

Welcome. I’m Kami.

I’m an LPC and have lots of other letters behind my name. All that really means is I went to school for a very long time and have a lot of student loan debt.

More importantly, I’m also a healer. A space holder. A safe place to land, to feel, to be heard.

I help people create spaces to heal their inner hurts.

Together we can create a little more space, a little more safety, a little more healing.

My Services


Speaking/ Presenting


LAC Supervision